Cornered is a video installation that represents the motivation and struggles of migrants leaving their home country and making an attempt, often unsuccessful, to cross the border from Morocco into the Spanish cities of Melilla and Ceuta, the only European cities on Africa’s mainland.
The visual imagery focuses on the ambitions and struggles of the migrants as they journey from their home country, making the attempt to enter Spain amid the frustration of the perpetual effort to reach their dream — the dream of a better life for their families.
✅ Physical Dome Structure
✅ Laser Cutting
✅ Projection Mapping
✅ Video Editting
— video credits to Prof. Raquel Prada
💡 How to do storytelling in art installation?
💡 How to design social issues into art?
💡 Physical design and visual design combination.
💡 Art expressions with different techniques, such as laser cutting, projection mapping.
💡 Immersive environment creation
1. Making the Dome
For the purpose of prototyping, a dome structure was created using wooden dowel rods with 3D-printing connectors and trace paper. We tried different sizes to see which one was most suitable for projection.
2. Laser Cutting
The geometric patterns displayed on the right were designed by Prof. Raquel Prada, who was inspired by local Moroccan culture. They were attached to the body of the dome structure.
The engravings were created by a series of precise laser cuts. Many experimental iterations were made becuase the process of laser cutting was tricky in that we had to adjust the software settings for the laser or the engravings wound be burned.
3. Projection Mapping
Porjection Mapping was the hardest part of this project. The challenge lied in how to wrap an image inside a dome, and, then, map different patterns onto different triangles. We first used a half dome mirror to distort the image but failed.Then, an idea borrowed from the UV mapping concept of 3D modeling helped. The patterns were mapped on a 2D representation of the 3D dome first, and, then, projected onto the dome by using the Isadora software.
4. Refining the Dome and Applying Video Clips
(Phase 2) I didn’t participate in this task since I had graduated.
More information, please see Prof. Raquel Prada’swebsite